How Much Do you You Know About Product Certification For Export?


How Much Do you You Know About Product Certification For Export?


 Export certification plays an extremely important role in various fields. The original intention of the certification and accreditation system is to coordinate social production, improve production efficiency, and promote economic development through standardized means such as unified standards, technical regulations, and conformity assessment procedures.

Following are more commonly used export certifications in foreign trade:

l        International Certification

l        Europe Certification

l        North America Certification

l        Asia Certification

l        Other Popular Certifications

Part 01 International Certification


01 ISO9000

    The International Organization for Standardization is the largest non-governmental standardization organization in the world, and it plays a leading role in international standardization. The ISO9000 standard is issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), implements the GB/T19000—ISO9000 family of standards, carries out quality certification, coordinates worldwide standardization work, organizes member states and technical committees to exchange information, and communicates with other international organizations collaborate and jointly study issues related to standardization.

    ISO 9001 sets out the criteria for a quality management system and is the only standard in the family that can be certified to (although this is not a requirement). It can be used by any organization, large or small, regardless of its field of activity. In fact, there are over one million companies and organizations in over 170 countries certified to ISO 9001.

    This standard is based on a number of quality management principles including a strong customer focus, the motivation and implication of top management, the process approach and continual improvement. These principles are explained in more detail in ISO’s quality management principles. Using ISO 9001 helps ensure that customers get consistent, good-quality products and services, which in turn brings many business benefits.


    HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point)

    HACCP is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product.

    The HACCP system is considered to be the best and most effective management system for controlling food safety and flavor quality. The national standard GB/T15091-1994 "Food Industry Basic Terminology" defines HACCP as: a control method for the production (processing) of safe food; it analyzes raw materials, key production processes and human factors that affect product safety, and determines the processing process. Establish and improve monitoring procedures and monitoring standards, and take standardized corrective measures. The international standard CAC/RCP-1 "General Principles of Food Hygiene 1997 Revision 3" defines HACCP as: a system for identifying, evaluating and controlling hazards that are critical to food safety.


    The IPPC is the international standard for wood packaging quarantine measures. The IPPC logo is used to identify wood packaging that meets IPPC standards, indicating that the wood packaging has been processed by IPPC quarantine standards.

    In March 2002, the International Plant Protection Convention (International Plant Protection Convention, referred to as IPPC) issued the International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures No. 15 publication "Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packing Material in International Trade" (Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packing Material in International Trade) , referred to as International Standard No. 15, is the International Standard for Wood Packaging Quarantine Measures. The IPPC mark is used to identify the wooden packaging that meets the IPPC standard, indicating that the target package has been processed by the IPPC quarantine standard.

04 SGS

    SGS is the abbreviation of Societe Generale de Surveillance S.A., translated as "General Notary". Founded in 1887, it is currently the world's largest and oldest private third-party multinational company engaged in product quality control and technical appraisal, with its headquarters in Geneva.

    SGS-related business operations generally include: inspection (inspection) of goods specifications, quantity (weight) and packaging; monitoring and loading of bulk goods; verification of prices; receiving notarized reports from SGS.

Part 02 Europe Certification


01 CE

CE stands for European Unification (CONFORMITE EUROPEENNE), which is a safety certification mark and is regarded as a passport for manufacturers to open and enter the European market. All products with the CE mark can be sold in the member states of the European Union, realizing the free circulation of goods within the member states of the European Union.

Products sold in the EU market that need to be affixed with the CE mark include the following:

• Electrical products

• mechanical products

• Toy products

• Radio and telecommunications terminal equipment

• Refrigeration and freezing equipment

• Personal protective equipment

• Simple pressure vessel

• Hot water boiler

• Pressure equipment

• Pleasure boat

• Construction products

• In vitro diagnostic medical devices

• Implantable medical devices

• Medical electrical equipment

• Lifting equipment

• Gas appliances

• Non-automatic scales

02 RoHS

    The Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS1), short for Directive on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment, was adopted in February 2003 by the European Union.

    RoHS is aimed at all raw materials and electrical and electronic products that may contain the above six hazardous substances in the production process, mainly including:

White home appliances (such as refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners, water heaters, etc.)

Black home appliances (such as audio, video products, DVD, CD, TV receivers, IT products, digital products, communication products, etc.)

Electrical tools

Electric electronic toys and medical electrical equipment, etc.


    The abbreviation of REGULATION concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REGULATION concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) is a chemical regulatory system established by the European Union and implemented on June 1, 2007.

    This system involves regulatory proposals for chemical production, trade, and use safety. The regulations aim to protect human health and environmental safety, maintain and improve the competitiveness of the EU chemical industry, and the innovative ability to develop non-toxic and harmless compounds.

    The REACH Directive requires that all chemicals imported and produced in Europe must go through a set of comprehensive procedures such as registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction, so as to better and more easily identify the components of chemicals to achieve the purpose of ensuring environmental and human safety. The instruction mainly includes several major items such as registration, evaluation, authorization, and restriction. Any product must have a registration dossier listing the chemical ingredients, how the manufacturer used them, and a toxicity assessment report.

04 BSI

    BSI is the British Standards Institution (BSI). The British Standards Institution (BSI) is the earliest national standardization organization in the world. It is not controlled by the government but has strong support from the government. BSI develops and revises British Standards and promotes their implementation.

05 NF

    NF is the code name of the French standard, which was implemented in 1938, and its management agency is the French Standardization Association (AFNOR).

    NF certification is not mandatory, but generally exporting products to France requires NF certification. French NF certification is compatible with EU CE certification. The standards of NF certification in many professional fields exceed EU standards. Therefore, all products that have obtained NF certification can directly obtain CE certification without any product inspection, and only need to go through simple procedures. Can. Most French consumers have a strong sense of trust in NF certification.

    NF certification is mainly applicable to three types of products: household appliances, furniture, and building materials.

06 DIN

    DIN is the abbreviation of Deutsches Institut fur Normung. DIN is the standardization authority in Germany and participates in international and regional non-governmental standardization bodies as a national standardization body.

    DIN joined the International Organization for Standardization in 1951. The German Electrotechnical Commission (DKE), jointly formed by DIN and the Association of German Electrical Engineers (VDE), represents Germany at the International Electrotechnical Commission. DIN is also the European Committee for Standardization and the European Electrotechnical Standard.

07 GS

    The GS (Geprufte Sicherheit) mark is a safety certification mark issued by TÜV, VDE and other institutions authorized by the German Ministry of Labor. It is a safety mark accepted by European customers. Usually, GS certified products have a higher unit price and are more popular.

    GS certification has strict requirements on the quality assurance system of the factory, and the factory must be reviewed and inspected annually:

    The factory is required to establish its own quality assurance system in accordance with the ISO9000 system standard when shipping in batches. The factory must at least have its own quality control system, quality records and other documents and sufficient production and inspection capabilities.

    Before the GS certificate is issued, the new factory must be inspected, and the GS certificate will be issued only after passing the certificate; after the certificate is issued, the factory must be inspected at least once a year. No matter how many products the factory applies for the TUV mark, the factory inspection only needs 1 time.

    Products that need to apply for GS certification are:

• Household appliances, such as refrigerators, washing machines, kitchen utensils, etc.;

• Household machinery;

• Sports equipment;

• Household electronic equipment, such as audio-visual equipment;

• Electrical and electronic office equipment, such as copiers, fax machines, paper shredders, computers, printers, etc.;

• Industrial machinery, experimental measuring equipment;

• Other safety-related products, such as bicycles, helmets, ladders, furniture, etc.

08 VDE

    VDE Testing and Certification Institute (VDE Testing and Certification Institute) is one of the most experienced test certification and inspection organizations in Europe.

    As an internationally recognized safety testing and certification organization for electronic appliances and their components, VDE enjoys a high reputation in Europe and even internationally. The range of products it evaluates includes household and commercial electrical appliances, IT equipment, industrial and medical technology Equipment, assembly materials and electronic components, wires and cables, etc.

09 TÜV

    The full name of the TÜV mark in German is Technischer überwachüngs-Verein, which is a safety certification mark specially customized for component products in Germany. It means "Technical Inspection Association" in English. Widely accepted in Germany and Europe. When an enterprise applies for the TÜV mark, it can apply for the CB certificate together, and obtain certificates from other countries through conversion.

    In addition, after the products have passed the certification, the German TÜV will recommend these products to rectifier manufacturers who have inquired about qualified component suppliers; during the whole machine certification process, all components that have obtained the TÜV mark can be exempted from inspection.

Part 03 North America Certification


01 UL

    UL is the abbreviation of Underwriter Laboratories Inc., which is the most authoritative in the United States and the largest private institution engaged in safety testing and identification in the world.

    It uses scientific testing methods to study and determine whether various materials, devices, products, facilities, buildings, etc. are harmful to life and property and the degree of harm; determine, write, and issue corresponding standards and help reduce and prevent life-threatening Property damage information, while carrying out fact-finding business.

    In short, it is mainly engaged in product safety certification and business safety certification business, and its ultimate goal is to obtain products with a certain level of safety for the market and contribute to the guarantee of personal health and property safety.

As far as product safety certification is an effective means to eliminate technical barriers to international trade, UL plays an active role in promoting the development of international trade.

02 FDA

    Food and Drug Administration (Food and Drug Administration) referred to as FDA. FDA is one of the executive agencies established by the US government within the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Public Health. The FDA's role is to ensure the safety of food, cosmetics, drugs, biological agents, medical devices, and radiation products produced or imported into the United States.

    The regulations stipulate that the FDA will assign a special registration number to each registration applicant. Food exported by foreign institutions to the United States must be notified to the US Food and Drug Administration 24 hours before arriving at the US port, otherwise they will be refused entry. and be detained at the port of entry.

03 ETL

    ETL is the abbreviation of Electrical Testing Laboratories.

    As long as any electrical, mechanical or electromechanical product bears the ETL inspection mark, it shows that it has been tested to meet the relevant industry standards. Each industry has different testing standards, so be sure to consult a professional for specific product requirements. ETL inspection marks are widely used in cable products, indicating that they have passed the relevant tests.

04 FCC

    The Federal Communications Commission coordinates domestic and international communications by controlling radio, television, telecommunications, satellite and cable. Involving more than 50 states in the United States, Columbia and the territories of the United States. FCC approval is required for many radio application products, communication products and digital products to enter the US market.

    FCC certification is also known as the US Federal Communications Certification. Including computers, fax machines, electronic devices, radio receiving and transmitting equipment, radio-controlled toys, telephones, personal computers and other products that may harm personal safety.

    If the product is exported to the United States, it must be tested and approved by a government-authorized laboratory in accordance with FCC technical standards. Importers and customs agents are required to declare that each radio frequency device complies with FCC standards, known as an FCC license. 

05 CSA

    CSA is the abbreviation of Canadian Standards Association (Canadian Standards Association). It was founded in 1919 and is Canada's first non-profit organization dedicated to formulating industrial standards.

    Electronics, electrical appliances and other products sold in the North American market need to obtain safety certification. CSA is currently the largest safety certification body in Canada and one of the most famous safety certification bodies in the world. It can provide safety certification for all types of products in machinery, building materials, electrical appliances, computer equipment, office equipment, environmental protection, medical fire safety, sports and entertainment. CSA has provided certification services for thousands of manufacturers all over the world, and hundreds of millions of products with the CSA logo are sold in the North American market every year.


Part 04 Asia Certification


01 CCC

    According to China's WTO commitments and the principle of embodying national treatment, the country uses a unified mark for compulsory product certification. The name of the new national compulsory certification mark is "China Compulsory Certification", the English name is "China Compulsory Certification", and the English abbreviation is "CCC".

    China uses compulsory product certification for 149 products in 22 categories. After the implementation of the China Compulsory Certification mark, it will gradually replace the original "Great Wall" mark and "CCIB" mark.

02 CB

    In June 1991, China Electrotechnical Product Certification Committee was accepted by the Management Committee (Mc) of the International Electrotechnical Commission Electrical Product Safety Certification Organization (iEcEE) as a national certification body that recognized and issued CB certificates. The 9 subordinate testing stations are accepted as CB laboratories (certification agency laboratories). All related electrical products, as long as the company has obtained the CB certificate and test report issued by the committee, the 30 member states in the IECEE-CCB system will recognize it.    Basically, it is unnecessary to send samples to the importing country for testing, which saves cost and time to obtain the country's certification certificate, which is extremely beneficial to export products.

03 PSE

    The mandatory market access system for electrical appliances in Japan is also an important content stipulated in Japan's "Electrical Appliances Safety Law".

    At present, the Japanese government divides electrical appliances into "specific electrical appliances" and "non-specific electrical appliances" according to the provisions of Japan's "Electrical Appliances Safety Law". Among them, "specific electrical appliances" include 115 products; "non-specific electrical appliances" Contains 338 products

    PSE includes the requirements of EMC and safety. All products belonging to the "Specific Electrical Appliances and Materials" catalog entering the Japanese market must pass the certification of a third-party certification body authorized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, obtain a certification certificate, and have a Rhombus PSE logo.

    CQC is the only certification body in China that applies for Japanese PSE certification authorization. At present, the product categories of the Japanese PSE product certification obtained by CQC fall into three categories: wire and cable (including 20 products), wiring appliances (electrical accessories, lighting appliances, etc., including 38 products), electric power application mechanical appliances ( Household appliances, including 12 products), etc.


Part 05 Other Certifications


01 C/A-tick

    It is a certification mark issued by the Australian Communications Authority (ACA) for communication equipment, and the C-tick certification cycle: 1-2 weeks.

    The product performs the ACAQ technical standard test, registers with ACA to use A/C-Tick, fills in the "Declaration of Conformity Form" (Declaration of Conformity Form), and stores A/C on the communication product or equipment together with the record keeping of the product. -Tick logo (label), sold to consumers A-Tick is only applicable to communication products, most electronic products apply for C-Tick, but if electronic products apply for A-Tick, there is no need to apply for C-Tick separately. Since November 2001, Australia/New Zealand's EMI applications have been merged; if the product is to be sold in these two countries, the following documents must be prepared before marketing for ACA (Australian Communications Authority) or New Zealand (Ministry of Economic Development) authorities Spot check at any time.

    Australia's EMC system divides products into three levels. Suppliers must register with ACA and apply for the use of the C-Tick mark before selling level two and level three products.

02 SAA

    SAA certification is Australia's standard body certified by the Standards Association of Australian, so many friends refer to Australian certification as SAA. SAA is that electrical products entering the Australian market must comply with local safety regulations, that is, the certification that the industry often faces. Due to the mutual recognition agreement between Australia and New Zealand, all products certified by Australia can enter the New Zealand market smoothly.

    All electrical products are subject to safety certification (SAA).

    There are two main types of SAA logos, one is formal approval and the other is standard logo. Formal certification is only responsible for samples, while standard marks need to be inspected by each factory.

    At present, there are two ways to apply for SAA certification in China. One is to transfer through the CB test report. If there is no CB test report, you can also apply directly. Under normal circumstances, it takes 3-4 weeks for common ITAV lamps and household appliances to apply for Australian SAA certification. If the product quality is not up to standard, the date may be extended. When submitting the report to Australia for review, it is necessary to provide the SAA certificate of the product plug (mainly for products with plugs), otherwise it will not be processed. The SAA certificate of important components in the product, such as lamps, needs to provide the SAA certificate of the transformer in the lamp, otherwise the Australian audit data will not pass.

    Abbreviation for Saudi Arabian Standards Organization. SASO is responsible for formulating national standards for all daily necessities and products, and the standards also involve measurement systems, labels, etc.